Dear visitor,

Founded in 1901, Texas Life Insurance Company is the oldest legal reserve life insurance company domiciled in Texas.  In fact, we hold Charter Number 1, and it was issued by the state banking commission - there wasn't even an insurance department yet!  Throughout our long history, we have delivered quality life insurance products to our customers.

Until the purchase of our company in 1988 by MetLife, we generally looked to Texas and Oklahoma as our market for our products.  Today, we are admitted to do business in 47 states.  With expansion has come growth.  Although we have significantly increased our customer base, we still maintain our desire to treat our customers well and to afford them with the peace of mind that only life insurance can provide.

In order to keep our promises to "be there" for our policyholders, we believe in maintaining our financial strength.  We invite you to check A.M. Best Company or Weiss Ratings Inc. independent evaluations of our ability to meet our obligations to our policyholders.

We take great pride in our company, its products, service and the benefits we provide our customers.  If you would like more information about Texas Life, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at

Thank you,

Steven T. Cates
President, Chief Executive Officer

Texas Life Insurance Company
A MetLife® Company
P.O. Box 830, Waco, TX 76703
All Rights Reserved
Copyright 1999
Legal Notices
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